A few weeks ago I was down, physically not so well, knowing I needed change, feeling I needed direction. I wandered into a local new age shop that has massage therapists, naturopaths, tarot readings, clairvoyents, Reiki, etc. along with books, stones, incense and the like. I always find the energy in the place warm and nurturing and at times have seen a naturopath or had a massage. This time I was seeking some positive affirmation cards or something of the like. As I mentioned in a previous post I ended up going to the theosophical society bookstore and purchasing the Simple Abundance book that I've blogged about, but before leaving this little shop I asked the woman at the counter about positive affirmations books or something like that. After looking through the Louise Hay section she paused and then suggested a deck of daily guidance angel cards. Now I have been known to see clairvoyents on rare occasions and have dabbled in tarot but angel cards didn't really seem like me. After all I profess to be a Buddhist, and the angels seemed a bit floofy, but for some reason these cards spoke to me. I sat down in a chair at the shop, opened the box, closed my eyes and pulled out a card that was exactly what I needed at the time. So I surprised myself and purchased them. Every few days I dip into the box and pull out cards that always seem to fit perfectly and they provide positive guidance. I don't know if it is coincidence, guidance from Buddhas and Bodhisattvas, God, angels, the collective consciousness or simply my own inner wisdom but using cards such as these or tarot has sometimes provided me with important guidance I can't dismiss. It taps into something, whatever label you want to put on it, something wise and loving.
So lately I have been doing a lot more prayer and periodically asking for guidance and it has come in a variety of forms. This afternoon as I was putting my son down for his nap my mind wandered back to some creative ideas I've had. One in particular was on my mind, some ideas regarding a children's book I have been composing in my head. As I was envisioning the book I was fantasizing about how I'd like to take some art classes again and spend more time doing creative work. Of course this is what this blog is all about, returning to a creative life. When I left the bedroom I thought of the angel cards, so I picked them up, sat down on the couch and shuffled them with my eyes closed. As usual, I shuffled until a card fell or jumped out of the deck. I chose 3 cards this way then turned them over to see the full picture. Once again I received perfect cards - Creative Project, Go For It, and Release and Surrender.
Creative Project mentions how my soul longs to express itself creatively and that the angels are guiding me to infuse creativity into my life, that creative expression makes me feel alive and excited and ignites my passion for life. Reading further into the little booklet which comes with the cards, it gives further advice, saying they are guiding me and that it doesn't matter if my artistry is market ready. The important part is allowing freedom of expression. It suggests to work on creative projects, enroll in that class, and that a meaningful career will come through ways unimaginable right now but to keep on the path. So I guess the lessons for today are 1. to make time to express creatively and 2. to open up to receive support and guidance from your own angels, whether they are human or etherial as there is great wisdom out there!
Peace and Love XX
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